Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
ada di topik pertama gue, baca donk makanya :D

Selasa, 02 November 2010

HAHAHAHA, I'M BACK AGAIN GUYS, btw anyway lebay ye, pertama-pertama ijinkanlah manusia ini memberikan :

Sebuahh coretan yg cuma gw yg mengerti isinye.. :D

Sebuah gambaran hidup dari seorang "pecundang", ya lo org ud bs nebak donk siape? hahhaha

Finally i realize that i so wrong with u, but love is pain... Dedicated to my Brokenhearted People.. and I'm so sick of love songs.. I hate Damn Love song.. This is bullshit, it's pissing me off. Hey? i just remember to try having thoughts of u and i, but no happiness can be found in within my heart.. Got me crying softly in the rain? Got me hurting like a sharp pain?

I'm so sorry, i was so wrong, just think thats all are my big mistakes, DAMN why it makes my cry to this day???!!

I dedicated my all to this note for u (should i?) cos other people probbaly don't know.. By myself without anyone knowing, alone I'll be the one who knows this note mean.. So tell me what should I do to forget? My habit of calling for u and wondering where u are... I'm gonna change, I'LL LAUGH EVERYTHING OFF FROM NOW ON!!

Unlike i expected to live well by myself, thought i call out "i want to talk with u" theres no respone from u.. If you care with me, please i begging u, would u have completely forgotten it all already? Im so worried, this thing will make u down again like a few months ago.. please listen to me...............................

I dont regret to (loving?) or care about u, because i just go taking good memories with u :D
I'll just try to be patient somehow and I'll just manage to stand it somehow.. The more i do that, i hope u should be happy :D and day by day i'm (believe) going to numb..

I cry? cry after a few months? it make me feel so freely..... HAHAHA? Please i believe u can be happy (maybe with him?).. Please dont forget that you should always smile like nothing happened.. take care of yourself for me (please?) like i want to see :D.. just always like that, smile like there's nothing wrong..

With a free mind,having left me, moving on forgetting me.. this hearts, feelings and tears will dry completely day by day.. but if it did better if we never meet... it will hurt less :( ahhh, nevermind.. please bury it, leave it and yes i hoping (and start to pray?) the best for u..

Kalo yg ga demen baca mending di skip aja ya :) heheheh, bole donk sekali2 abang2an lu ini sok romantis dkit, biarpun sebenernye gw justru keliatan bego ye? hiahiahiha


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